Thursday, October 16, 2008

Dear Blogging Community,

I NEED you! When I'm sitting in my classes listening to my professors drone on, occasionally my fingers slip to navigate my laptop screen away from my Word Document full of pointless notes (that are always included on blackboard anyway) to the fill in the blank URL of some web address.

Suddenly my world transforms from lecture slides to hilarious anecdotes and musings from my closest friends.  I laugh as I read the Julie Garbutt's of the world's critique of their latest dates.  I am inspired by the Lauren Stratton's incredibly unique sense of style, and the Aly Williams penchant for photography.  I smile in my head when I read the Chelsea Gould's unique "Chelsea-isms" (and cringe at her sicko pictures from her cadaver classes).  I am entertained by the Kristy Wilson's sarcastic tones and of course, my heart is warmed when I see the beautiful pictures of the families of the Lisa Deans, the Natalie Clawsons and the Stephanie Grants.  The list goes on and on...

So, dear sweet blogging community, you can see how dependent I am on you.  When you fail to post regularly (and I KNOW I am the pot calling the kettle black when I make these claims considering I am the world's most inconsistent blogger, and can't even figure out how to link my friends to my bloggy thing, but no one is depending on me for their happiness so get off my back about it) but anyway, when you fail to post regularly, I am forced to pay attention in my endless hours of classes.  

Please, do us all a favor and keep it coming.

Passionately yours,
Michelle Lee

(P.S. I sincerely hope no one thinks it is creepy that i really like their blogs.  My intent behind this post was to keep my friends, and not make them want to get a restraining order against me)


Kristi said...

you read my blog! I'm touched. if you keep it coming I will...

Shane and Tiffany Barker said...

I love your writing. You are so creative! I think you should get paid to do it! You need to be a correspondent for someone/thing. Seriously. Make some money for these talents.

You keep me entertained out here in Nashvegas. I love you! Come visit. (No, I won't stop saying it). Love ya!

Megen said...

Hi Michelle-- ifound you through Lisa's site. Your's is fun to read. If you want to see your new and last cousin, check mine at mikemegen.blogspot. Anyway, it will be fun to read your stuff. By the way, I hear you are dating the nephew of someone in our ward! We want details!!!!! (Just kidding)

Stephanie Grant said...

You are my inspiration

Unknown said...

hey michelle :) you can read mine anytime... haha not that it's any bit exciting though.
you're so cute!

Unknown said...

you are so sweet michelle! i will try and be better-- because my blog has been neglected lately! ;)

and yes i am voting for proposition 8 !

Anna said...

hey Michelle, I love this post ha ha and you can also read mine any time I normally try and put a new post every week and sometimes two at a time or two a week so I hope you do read my blog is k Love you and we need to get together soon ok love you bye